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Intelligent Engine Permissions

Intelligent Engine supports four user roles:

  • Admin / Baize Owner: Has full permissions (create, read, update, delete) for all features in the Developer and Operator.
  • Workspace Admin: Has full permissions (create, read, update, delete) for all features in the authorized workspace's Developer.
  • Workspace Editor: Has update and read permissions for all features in the authorized workspace's Developer.
  • Workspace Viewer: Has read permissions for all features in the authorized workspace's Developer.

Each role has different permissions, as detailed below.

Menu Object Operation Admin / Baize Owner Workspace Admin Workspace Editor Workspace Viewer
Overview View Overview
Notebooks View Notebooks
View Notebooks Details
Create Notebooks
Update Notebooks
Clone Notebooks
Stop Notebooks
Start Notebooks
Delete Notebooks
Jobs View Jobs
View Job Details
Create Job
Clone Job
View Job Load Details
Delete Job
Job Analysis View Job Analysis
View Job Analysis Details
Delete Job Analysis
Datasets View Datasets
Create Dataset
Resync Dataset
Update Credentials
Delete Dataset
Runtime Env View Runtime Env
Create Runtime Env
Update Runtime Env
Delete Runtime Env
Inference Services View Inference Services
View Inference Services Details
Create Inference Service
Update Inference Service
Stop Inference Service
Start Inference Service
Delete Inference Service
Overview View Overview
GPU Management View GPU Management
Queue Management View Queue Management
View Queue Details
Create Queue
Update Queue
Delete Queue
