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Global Management Release Notes

This page lists the Release Notes for global management of each version, so that you can understand the evolution path and feature changes of each version.




  • Added configuration and display of system information
  • Added the SDK RegisterDeltaResourcePermissionHandler method
  • Added tenant perspective and related permissions in Global Management -> Operations Management


  • Optimized the scanning for hardcoded certificates using trivy and gosec
  • Optimized the development guide in Global Management -> Operations Management


  • Fixed an issue where the report would not display proper namespace information if there are no pods in the namespace under Global Management -> Operations Management




  • Added LDAP server to support LDAPS
  • Added installer versions to Global Management -> Settings -> About


  • Optimized login and password change functions to support username and password encryption
  • Optimized prompt text about binding resources on Global Management -> Workspace and Folder -> Resource Group


  • Fixed SMTP server settings
  • Fixed an issue where installation fails when OEM is configured enable
  • Fixed the inconsistency issue of English column names in exported reports in Operations Management




  • Added OAuth2 Identity Provider generic plugin
  • Added username and userLdapFilter fields to LDAP configuration
  • Added installation insight-angent prompt in Global Management -> Operations Management -> Billing Config


  • Optimized user creation to automatically remove spaces around the username text (if any) before saving
  • Optimized the search mechanism of binding resources
  • Optimized a SDK method ListWorkspaceUsersByPermission()


  • Fixed an issue that authorized users with a custom role can see all workspaces
  • Fixed an issue that the RBAC Access Denied page will appear on the Insight page after closing the browser and reopening it
  • Fixed an issue that the exported report has inconsistent fields with those shown on the page in Global Management -> Operations Management




  • Added an option in Settings to show/hide the background video on the login page
  • Added features to view/add/update/delete SSH certificate information in Personal Center
  • Added features of creating user and changing password: encryption for username and password parameters when passed to API
  • Added MySQL MGR mode


  • Optimized Keycloak component to version 22.0.4


  • Fixed an issue with GPU count statistics after licensing by GPU




  • Added support for license by GPU
  • Added a summary link in Audit Logs


  • Optimized unit tests for the Audit Logs SDK


  • Fixed an issue with the user-agent field in Audit Logs
  • Fixed an issue where Audit Logs login records often show one failure followed by one success
  • Fixed an issue in Operations Management where validation prompts were not removed after clicking cancel on billing configuration changes
  • Fixed an issue in Operations Management with GPU billing duration calculation in pod reports




  • Fixed an issue with resource quota check while workspace resource group is binding to a namespace




  • Added a feature where top-level navigation bar is displayed based on permissions
  • Added a feature where Workspace/Folder Editor does not support changing Workspace/Folder and names
  • Added Ghippo support for ARM offline installation packages
  • Added a method provided by SDK to find Alias using Workspace ID GetWorkspaceById()
  • Added Operations Management -> Report Management -> Pod Report: GPU statistics
  • Added Operations Management -> Accounting and Billing -> Pod Billing: GPU billing


  • Fixed an issue with front-end CSS errors on global management login
  • Fixed an issue where the Refresh Token API in the observability interface could not update the Token




  • Added resource quotas limiting GPU
  • Added support for DCE5 logged-in users to access Insight's Grafana and other components


  • Optimized rate limiting with single flight mechanism when triggering FoldersAuthz CR
  • Optimized to filter out duplicate authorizations
  • Optimized the condition where Workspace authorization information is not stored in FoldersAuthz CR
  • Optimized a full update of FoldersAuthz CR upon ghippo-controller-manager restart


  • Fixed an issue where a large number of authorization requests caused FoldersAuthz CR updates to overwhelm k8s




  • Added a feature to automatically log out from the identity provider page when logging out of DCE 5.0
  • Added support for usernames with underscores and other special characters
  • Added removal of the restriction on authorizing usernames with special characters
  • Added a user isolation mode between Folders
  • Added support for authorizing multiple roles to Folder/Workspace users


  • Optimized initial username and password (admin/changeme) to be stored in Secret instead of ConfigMap


  • Fixed an issue with the redirection of offline environment documentation site
  • Fixed an issue with installer version 0.13 upgrade failure
  • Fixed an issue with workspace large-scale test performance




  • Fixed an issue with incomplete display of middleware in the navigation bar




  • Added auto-expanding active navigation bar
  • Added SDK support for usernames with underscores
  • Added support for DCE 4.0 to DCE 5.0 migration validation
  • Added Operations Management precise search in list


  • Optimized Chinese language support to the About - Product Versions submodule for kcoral, dowl, kcollie, and virtnest


  • Fixed an issue where LDAP users synchronized over could not be added to user groups
  • Fixed an issue in Operations Management where workspace reports were not fully displayed




  • Added a feature of integrating multiple ADs/LDAPs
  • Added a feature of integrating multiple OIDCs
  • Added a feature to distinguish users from different LDAP/OIDC
  • Added a feature to prevent the removal of permission dependencies
  • Added backend customization of the top-level navigation bar
  • Added support for redirecting to the English documentation site in non-Chinese languages


  • Optimized an issue with random 400 errors in the interface
  • Optimized Operations Management display of empty data in reports
  • Optimized Operations Management function to jump from the cluster billing list to the node billing list by node count


  • Fixed an issue where Ghippo APIServer might deadlock on startup
  • Fixed an issue in Operations Management with incorrect cluster billing calculations




  • Fixed an issue with random 400 errors in the interface




  • Added connection with Enterprise WeChat
  • Added support for 8-32 character passwords
  • Added support for integrating Kant license for cloud-edge collaboration
  • Added Operations Management support for postgres/kingbase databases


  • Optimized added primary keys to some database tables without primary keys




  • Added support for integrating project group IDP login without clicking
  • Added resource group binding to mesh / mesh-namespace
  • Added tips for custom role permission points
  • Added Settings -> Security Policies -> limiting multiple concurrent sessions for a single user
  • Added Settings -> Security Policies -> limiting the maximum number of concurrent session connections for the system


  • Optimized support for customized parameters in Webhook URL


  • Fixed an issue with errors when filling in the mail server
  • Fixed an issue where LDAP users could not join user groups




  • Fixed an issue where workspace cluster names could be empty
  • Fixed an issue with Folder Admin role permissions in the workspace authorization list
  • Fixed an issue with Ghippo upgrade from 0.17 to 0.18
  • Fixed an issue where options for selecting cluster types were the same when adding shared resources
  • Fixed an issue where mesh-type resources in the resource group list could not be unbound




  • Added the feature of workspace migration
  • Added features to create/edit/delete/list/view Webhook in Access Control
  • Added a feature to automaticlly cleanup Webhook record in Access Control
  • Added License expiration reminder
  • Added License function unavailable after expiration
  • Added the setting where users must enter the old password when changing passwords
  • Added resource group support for binding service mesh resources
  • Added support for external Postgres database
  • Added more types of currencies which are supported by reports in Operations Management
  • Added istio-ingressgateway and istiod supporting high availability


  • Optimized backend configuration of passwords stored in secret


  • Fixed an issue with Audit Logs time zones
  • Fixed an issue with role list not displaying during workspace authorization


  • Added a feature of moving workspace
  • Added License expiration reminder
  • Added License function unavailable after expiration
  • Added Webhook record backend cleanup functionality
  • Added a setting where users must enter the old password when changing passwords
  • Added support for external kingbase database
  • Added more types of currencies which are supported by reports in Operations Management
  • Added istio-ingressgateway and istiod supporting high availability


  • Optimized passwords of backend configuration to store in secret


  • Fixed an issue with Audit Logs time zones




  • Fixed an issue where migration files caused migration failures
  • Fixed an issue where only Workspace Admin could be selected when creating a workspace




  • Added features to access clients (create/view/list/update/delete)in Access Control
  • Added features to create/edit/delete/list/view Webhook API in Access Control
  • Added user CRUD/Login/Logout events triggering Webhook
  • Added Access Control permission
  • Added support for . and @ in usernames/user group names
  • Added a feature where platform default language changes to auto-detected browser preference
  • Added a feature of downloading audit logs as Excel and CSV formats
  • Added a feature to separate display for system and user logs in Audit Logs
  • Added prohibition on removing admin user's admin role or editing admin's permissions
  • Added display of role permission details in workspace authorization
  • Added unit test coverage which can only increase
  • Added OpenAPI supporting version, OpenAPI documentation deprecation (other GProduct modules must be updated to the corresponding version in installer v0.8.0)
  • Added a feature where GMagpie uses database configuration specifications (Helm parameters, DSN) to interface with the installer in Operations Management
  • Added Excel and CSV formats when downloading reports in Operations Management
  • Added support for Workspace reports in Operations Management
  • Added support for Workspace billing reports in Operations Management
  • Added support for pod group reports in Operations Management
  • Added support for pod group billing reports in Operations Management
  • Added support for Namespace billing reports in Operations Management


  • Optimized default sorting of the role list
  • Optimized Workspace Editor permission


  • Fixed an issue with the synchronization time of LDAP user group synchronization




  • Fixed an issue where an infinite loop caused excessive CPU usage
  • Fixed an issue where audit logs export was incomplete




  • Added LDAP support for AD
  • Added LDAP support for more parameters
  • Added support for changing the login page background image
  • Added support for modifying the ICP information at the bottom of the homepage and login page (update/display)
  • Added support for modifying database connection Helm parameter format
  • Added access management: access client API (create/view/list/update/delete)
  • Added support for adding Path prefix to proxy URL
  • Added Audit Logs SDK to directly call AuditServer API
  • Added separate storage for user and system audit logs, with separate API access
  • Added removal of API Server's dependency on accessing the external network


  • Optimized filtering out non-existent permissions when creating customized roles
  • Optimized Audit Logs database partitioning functionality


  • Fixed an issue with displaying customized role types




  • Added custom role function (create/edit/delete/view/list)
  • Added support for GProduct permission and integration with custom role functionality
  • Added handling of disconnected cluster resources
  • Added Ghippo OpenAPI documentation implementation
  • Added Audit Logs SDK for GProduct


  • Fixed an issue where tokens could still be used after the key expired
  • Fixed an issue where the container registry was not controlled by the license




  • Added Settings -> appearance -> advanced customization -> login page customization and post-login page customization
  • Added support for keycloak quarkus architecture in dual-stack environments
  • Added JOB in CI process to check for non-compliant images in Helm chart packages and validate installation parameters
  • Added an option in Helm values to enable/disable audit-related functionality with one click
  • Added support for recording kpanda page operations in Audit Logs


  • Optimized OpenAPI call method


  • Fixed some incorrect audit log names
  • Fixed keycloak startup probe failureThreshold value to improve startup success rate
  • Fixed binding/unbinding resource errors in i18n




  • Fixed the missing English explanations for interface permission descriptions
  • Fixed an issue where database table updates might fail due to database encoding




  • Added support for deploying a GM (Guomi) gateway in front of DCE 5.0 and accessing DCE 5.0 using a GM browser
  • Added an option in Helm values to enable/disable Istio Sidecar functionality with one click
  • Added Workspace and Folder Owner roles
  • Added setting where only users with Workspace/Folder Admin and Kpanda Owner permissions can bind resources
  • Added open-source license scanning for all used libraries
  • Added a status column in the user list
  • Added internal offline installation documentation
  • Added SDK unit test coverage to 65%
  • Added support for sending test emails and using mail servers without account credentials
  • Added prompts for usernames that do not meet system requirements


  • Optimized Ghippo authentication code to reduce memory usage
  • Optimized preloading mechanism of the frontend interface under low network conditions


  • Fixed issue where OpenAPI cycle was a required parameter; it is now optional




  • Optimized automatic construction of pure offline packages through CI
  • Optimized Ghippo upgrade documentation




  • Added changed the module in the resource group to source
  • Added SDK provides notifications for changes in Workspace and Resource bindings
  • Added complete integration with Insight metrics and otel tracing (including keycloak and db links)
  • Added Keycloak changed to Quarkus architecture
  • Added Keycloak image upgraded to version 20.0.1


  • Optimized refactored the export audit logs http interface to a grpc stream interface
  • Optimized SDK memory usage, peak reduced by 50%
  • Optimized some audit logs code
  • Optimized e2e kind image switched to 1.25
  • Optimized resource usage efficiency increased to over 40%


  • Fixed an issue with strong binding of clusters
  • Fixed an issue where selecting Client secret sent as basic auth in the identity provider configuration interface was not saved in keycloak




  • Fixed an issue with resource group binding to clusters
  • Fixed an issue where workspaces could not be created when there were no workspaces




  • Added interface for third-party applications to create SSO clients in Keycloak
  • Added support for Mysql8
  • Added integration with Insight (metrics, log, otel tracing)
  • Added support for i18n in License module names
  • Added support for multiple GProducts in a single License
  • Added resource group support for binding cluster-type resources
  • Added a "module" field to the resource group list
  • Added a bound identifier to the resource group list
  • Added resource binding interface support for Registry resource types


  • Optimized resource types changed to enumeration
  • Optimized whether GProduct licenses need to be injected with variables is now configurable
  • Optimized CICD process


  • Fixed an issue where deleted clusters still existed
  • Fixed an issue where keycloak jwks changes did not reset the Istio cache
  • Fixed an issue with zero-value creation time for user groups
  • Fixed an issue where the last used time field for access keys returned an empty string when not used




  • Added support for login
  • Added support for forgotten password
  • Added support for CRUD functionality for internal messages
  • Added support for SMTP mail server settings
  • Added support for retrieving the top navigation bar
  • Added support for updating the top navigation bar
  • Added support for CRUD of user role permissions
  • Added workspace -> lifecycle management (create/edit/delete/view/list)
  • Added workspace -> hierarchy management (bind/list)
  • Added workspace -> workspace and resource relationship management (bind/unbind/list)
  • Added workspace -> workspace and role and user (group) relationship management (bind/unbind/list) (API/SDK)
  • Added workspace -> authorization (API/SDK)
  • Added workspace -> GProduct resource name registration
  • Added About -> product version (create/edit/delete/view/list)
  • Added About -> open-source software (list/initialize)
  • Added About -> technical team (list/initialize)
  • Added Licenses -> lifecycle management (create/edit/delete/view/list)
  • Added Licenses -> retrieve ESN serial number
  • Added Licenses -> handling of un-injected or erroneous situations
  • Added workspace -> resource quota management (create/edit/delete/view/list/calculate allocated)
  • Added workspace -> GProduct resource quota registration
  • Added User and Access Control -> authorization (APIServer/SDK)
  • Added Audit Logs -> display (view/list/cleanup settings/export)
  • Added Audit Logs -> batch insertion
  • Added Identity provider -> integrate LDAP -> user/user group synchronization settings (create/edit/delete/view/sync)
  • Added Settings -> Security Policies -> password policy settings
  • Added personal center -> access keys (create/edit/delete/view/list)
  • Added Audit Logs -> insertion of global management operations into Audit Logs
  • Added Audit Logs -> integration with Insight to collect audit logs
  • Added Settings -> Security Policies -> account lockout policy
  • Added Settings -> Security Policies -> browser close policy
  • Added identity provider -> integrate IDP (OIDC protocol)
  • Added workspace -> shared cluster permission management
  • Added workspace -> shared cluster quota management -> storage
  • Added Settings -> top navigation appearance customization -> reset functionality
  • Added Settings -> Security Policies -> session timeout policy
  • Added Audit Logs -> automatic cleanup functionality
  • Added Settings -> Security Policies -> account lockout policy
  • Added Settings -> top navigation appearance customization -> restore functionality
  • Added Settings -> login page appearance customization -> restore functionality
  • Added product navigation -> homepage only displayed for admin users
  • Added workspace -> users can only view the tree structure of workspaces and folders they have permissions for
  • Added Keycloak high availability
  • Added mail server configuration -> support for sending emails from Insight and Workbench
  • Added compliance with Helm specifications, supporting installers and offline deployment
  • Added Audit Logs -> automatic creation and merging of database partitions
  • Added support for ARM64 architecture
  • Added support for https
  • Added login -> background theme supports animation
  • Added authorization and authentication -> provide the current logged-in user's permission list to the frontend
  • Added About -> software version -> module supports Chinese names
  • Added overall bilingual documentation site structure and main content


  • Optimized authorization and authentication -> provide a JOB to ensure synchronization of database and custom resources
  • Optimized LDAP -> configuration error checks
  • Optimized feedback and error messages for operations in various functions support both Chinese and English
  • Optimized workspace and folder -> check for existing sub-resources before deletion
  • Optimized keycloak jvm parameters
  • Optimized simplified mock using the mockery framework
